Los Tarrales Hotel & Reserve

Location: Central Guatemala| Rating:3 star | Rooms: 11 | Pool: no

Los Tarrales Hotel & Reserve is a private reserve and lodge found on the Volcanic slopes near to Lae Atitlan. It paradise for bird lovers due to its pristine reserve however it also runs a working coffee and exotic flower farm. Thanks to the pains of the owners this large private protected area offers numerous walking trails and excellent opportunities to spot exclusive bird species only found in the Southern coastal areas of Guatemala. This rustic lodge has ten rooms with double or twin beds each with private bathrooms. Try a cup of their home grown Los Tarrales coffee while enjoying meals prepared with fresh local ingredients from the market in Antigua. Internet is available and electric power is generated with a small hydroelectric generator. During the dry season (October to May) power shortages may occur and candles are provided in each room.

Why we work with them

Not only is this a magical place for bird lovers, it is incredibly important for the conservation of the area. More than 350 bird species have been recorded in their private protected reserve, which preserves primary rain and cloud forest, and runs coffee and exotic flower plantations. Together with neighbouring private reserves, Los Terrales protects the forest of the southern slope of Atitlán volcano, one of the largest forest fragments remaining on Guatemala's Pacific slope. The area is still home to large raptors such as Black Hawk-Eagle, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, and King Vulture.